For those of you who don't know, Matt and I are participating in a family biggest loser competition. It has been a lot of work but we have been really supportive of each other this first week and I think our hard work has shown. I lost 6.6 lbs and him 7.2 lbs in the first week. And yes we did it the healthy way. No starving, puking, or diet pills. When I was hungry I ate, but instead of chips or a candy bar I had fruit. I don't think it will be like this in the next 9 weeks but I could surprise myself.
We both put on a few pounds before the competition started on purpose to get our weight up and then I think we put our bodies into shock when we started working out so much. A lot of the weight lost is from sweating so much. We have been eating a lot better too. I cut out pop and a lot of extra calories and we are both watching our portions. I don't think I have drank so much water and ate so many fruits and veggies in my whole life. But we both feel great and I hope to stick with this. That's pretty much our strategy, getting our butts moving and eating a whole lot better. He's been running more distance wise and I got to the point where I can start jogging for part of my workout. It all seems to be working for us.