About Us

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The purpose of our blog is to share our journey through life with family and friends while we leave our mark on this world. Our 20's have been very kind to us and as we enter the 30's we are hoping to continue to enjoy our time in this thing we call life. I should have called this blog "Traveling through Life".

Monday, October 17, 2011


Fall=perfect hiking weather for the Sondgeroths.

I love everything about hiking in the fall. The sound of the leaves crunching under your feet, the smell of the changing leaves in the air and the cool temperature makes for perfect conditions. Also the thought of dying poison ivy makes for a happy and worry free husband!

I LOVE going to Brown County every year just to be there. However it is very crowded so we have found that we enjoy the State Forests much more. This year we went to the Morgan-Monroe State Forest, a new one for us. This place was beautiful.....once we found it! We did a moderate 3 mile hike. There was a great breeze in the air that helped keep us cool and made the trees rain leaves.

After hiking we did drive through Brown County and Nashville just to get it out of my system but seeing the crowds made for an easy decision to keep driving.

I would like to get in another Fall hike this year but it sounds like the weather is going to turn cold quickly as it always does. Fall doesn't last long enough for me which is why I have such a hard time accepting that it is here. I need to live somewhere that is 70-75 degrees year round!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cam @ the Zoo

This past weekend was suppose to be our annual campout but none of the other wives could make it so I stayed home too and let it be a guys weekend. So what's a girl to do with a free weekend on her hands.....act like a kid of course. Luckily it worked out that my mom was free this weekend and we were able to take Cameron to the Indy Zoo. It was perfect weather and we had a blast. An almost 3 year old has a ton of energy! Afterwards they came to my house and spent the night. Let's just say round two of him sleeping over at my house went perfectly because he had is Grandmama with him this time.

Yep I spoiled him like Aunt's do. Ice cream twice at the zoo and pizza for dinner. Even a choo choo ride. Pretty sure I am his favorite aunt now.

Waiting to buy his Spongebob Ice Cream

This topped the cake for him. I hope he remembers the trip to the zoo over the Spongebob Ice Cream!