About Us

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The purpose of our blog is to share our journey through life with family and friends while we leave our mark on this world. Our 20's have been very kind to us and as we enter the 30's we are hoping to continue to enjoy our time in this thing we call life. I should have called this blog "Traveling through Life".

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Two Weeks Postpartum

Two weeks have gone by way too fast. I can't believe I have a newborn baby. He is doing really well according to his pediatrician. Once we worked through some breastfeeding struggles he is finally starting to gain weight. He settled in to a routine pretty quickly although as a newborn he is still unpredictable.
I am adjusting pretty well. The first week was rough because emotions were high and I was running off of very little sleep.  I would say my physical recovery has been fast. I really felt back to myself while we were still in the hospital. I have had the hardest time adjusting to the demands of breastfeeding though. It by far has been the hardest part of this whole experience. I would go through labor 5 times over than experience my first week of nursing again. Luckily I asked for help early and things are getting better.
I gained 33 lbs while pregnant and I am about 10 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm sure breastfeeding is responsible for a lot of it.
As they say things are getting better every day!


Saturday, December 14, 2013

Jackson Gray's Birth Story

On December 2nd I woke up at 4:30 am with what I thought were contractions. I stayed in bed for a while to make sure it was real. They were about 10 minutes apart and after about an hour I figured they were real. Matt was getting ready to get up for work and I told him he better stick around for a while just in case. I had a doctor’s appointment scheduled for that morning anyway so I was anxious to see what she had to say.

Four hours later on the way to the doctor my contractions stopped completely. She checked me and said I was 5 cm and I probably had a false start to labor. Typically she would admit someone to the hospital at 5 cm but she wanted to stick to my wishes so she gave me three options.  Go walk around the hospital for a while and be under observation, go walk around a mall for a while and see if they start back up, or go home.

I did not want to be admitted to the hospital with no contractions but I was afraid to get too far so we decided to go walk the mall for a while. I was the laboring woman walking around a mall for 3 hours. During that time I had a couple small contractions but the exercise seemed to have the opposite effect on me than it does for normal labor. We decided to go home.

Once we were home I took a very long nap and woke up at 4:30 pm. As soon as I woke up the contractions started again. This time they were 5 minutes apart and more intense. I timed them for about 30 minutes and they were getting closer and more intense. I told Matt it was time to go to the hospital and we needed to leave NOW. On the car ride they were 2-3 minutes apart. I was amazed how quickly they were coming already.

We were admitted to the hospital at 6:05pm after they checked me in triage and determined I was 6-7cm. I was shocked to hear I was so close to the transition stage however it didn’t feel like transition at all. The contractions were intense at this point but they were very manageable and felt like early labor pains to me. My contractions picked up to 1-2 minutes apart and stayed that way until he was born.

After we were moved to a labor room the timing of everything became very hazy. The doctor showed up to check on us. I met the nurses who would be on that night and the first thing I said to them is, “You have my birth plan right?” and “Please do not offer me pain medication”. All of them said they wouldn’t think I would need it based off of how I was already handling the contractions. One of the nurses said she has done hundreds of natural labors and she would not offer me anything. Then they left us alone for a while and we got into our routine.

I started laboring on my side. Around 9:00pm the doctor came in and asked if I wanted to be checked. I am against frequent checks at the hospital but I really needed to know that what we were doing was working. He checked me and said I was 9.5 cm and I had a small anterior cervical lip on the right side. I knew cervical lips could be an issue but he didn’t make it seem like it was a problem. The cervical lip was probably caused from me laying on my left side.

I then switched to sitting up in the bed when the back labor started. They brought me squatting bars so I could pull myself off the bed to relieve the pressure. I had Matt massage my back with all of the force he had for each contraction. The massaging was really the only way I could get through it. Without him my pain management would have been a different story. I couldn’t have done it without him!

Then I got up to go to the bathroom and I realized it felt so much better to stand up. I stood and used the rag doll position to hang off of Matt. This relieved so much pressure that I knew I had to continue like this.

The doctor came back to check on us around 10:00pm and I said I wanted to be checked again. He said I was 10 cm, the baby was +1 station and the cervical lip was gone. I asked what we do from here. He said my water still needs to break and the baby needs to be station +3. He said he wanted to give it more time and see if my water breaks on its own and brings the baby down.

Around 12:00 am he came back and said he would like to break my water. I felt safe with him breaking it at this point and I needed something to change. They told me to lie in the bed and I was wondering where all of the water was going to go. Breaking the water was not painful but it was the weirdest feeling having 3 liters of warm liquid all around you in bed. I just kept saying “This is so weird”. The nurses did a great job of cleaning it all up. We were then left to keep laboring for a while.

Around 1:00 am the nurse checked us and asked if I felt the need to push or felt any pressure. I felt no different. She had me start pushing a little to see if it would bring the baby down. We were still standing at this point and I started squatting. I remember from our Bradley classes that this was a very effective pushing position and I was confident he would be here in no time. It is very hard to push when you don’t feel the urge but I did it for 2 hours. I started to fear that he wasn’t going to come down and that they were going to have to go in and get him but the baby’s heart rate stayed healthy during all of this. I really thought that at 10cm with broken waters that I would feel some pressure to push. The nurse recommended propping one foot up on a chair and squatting like that for a while. This was very uncomfortable to me so we didn’t try it long.

At 3:00am the doctor came back to see if he could check me. I said yes because after two hours of squatting I needed to know if it was working. He said the baby was still at +1 station. I was getting discouraged after all that work.  I felt I had the energy to keep standing for several more hours but it didn’t seem to be working for me. He asked me if I felt the urge to push and I said I have yet to feel the urge. He asked me to go ahead and try and see if anything happens. I gave it my best try at pushing while in the bed, something I did not want to do. All of a sudden the room lit up with noise and the doctor said the baby is coming down. I was shocked! He told me if I kept pushing in this position he would be here quickly. I was thinking if I would have tried this 3 hours ago it would have saved me a ton of energy! Each time I pushed I didn’t feel like I was doing very well but everyone said I was pushing very effectively and making great progress. After 45 minutes of pushing Jackson Gray Sondgeroth was born at 3:48am on December 3, 2013 weighing 8lbs 6 oz and 21 ¼ inches long.

They placed him right on my stomach and he peed all over me. He was very alert and absolutely perfect!  

Sunday, December 8, 2013

39 weeks

Well our little guy let us enjoy the entire long weekend and we spent a lot of time relaxing and watching movies. At 39 weeks and 3 days labor started and he was born at 39 weeks and 4 days. I will do an entire post on his birth story.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


I just received the last little thing for the nursery so now it is complete. I really never had a theme in mind but stumbled across the animal decals and loved them. We painted the walls gray when we moved in and decided that we wanted to keep them that color. We did put up crown molding to add a nice finish to the room.

 I knew exactly what I wanted when it came to looking for the crib. Dark wood with straight edges and this is the one I fell in love with. Babi Italia Middleton.

I did not love the dresser that came with the collection because it was very short. Considering we would be standing at it several times a day I wanted one that was taller. Luckily I found one that was the same color from a different collection.

This little shelf we painted white and will hold his bath towels, video monitor, etc.
The sign is something that was hanging in Matt's room from when he was a little boy. The sheep and shoe are gifts from Ireland.
The glider is from Grandma Handy's house. I am thankful to have it. We will be spending a lot of time feeding, snuggling and bonding with our little boy in it.
This is the personal touch I knew I wanted in his room from the beginning. I took this picture on one of our many vacations. The quote is something I saw online. We hope in time that he finds inspiration to see the world and do great things.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

38 weeks

This week we squeezed in another date night but with friends this time. I stayed up way too late and paid for it the next two days by feeling yucky.

At my doctor’s visit she said I was very close to 4 cm and 100 % effaced. It’s only a matter of time before the show starts and I feel like I’m a ticking time bomb now. It’s making me very nervous to go to work and have Matt an hour away from me at his work.

Luckily we have reached the Thanksgiving holiday and will be cooped up in our house together for the next 4 days. This would be a great weekend to have a baby! 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

37 weeks

No change at the doctor this week and everything still looks good. This little boy is sending us on a roller coaster ride into the unknown. Hopefully my labor isn’t the same way. I thoroughly went over my birth plan with the doctor and she is fine with everything as long as I remain flexible in an emergency, which of course I will.

This weekend I made 5 large freezer meals which will actually count for about 12 dinners for us. My future self will be very thankful that we have them.

I also started chugging glasses of raspberry tea and hopefully it helps me have efficient contractions….when they start. No signs of labor yet.
Today I am treating myself to a prenatal massage. I haven’t felt like I needed a massage but I read they can improve labor so we shall see.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

36 weeks

November 8th.
Wow! 4 weeks left….or less.

At this week’s check-up she said I have made more progress. Last time I was technically 2.5 cm but she had to enter a whole number in her system so she told me 3. I was also 50% effaced. This week I am a loose 3 cm and 70% effaced and he is at station 0. Once again this could mean nothing but she strongly urged me not to stay home too long when labor starts because she does not know how fast I will progress. My plan has been to stay at home as long as possible to avoid being on the hospitals clock but I will listen to her advice because I am now somewhat afraid of not making it to the hospital. I jokingly asked her if I will be the woman walking around at 7cm with no labor. She said probably not and that labor usually starts when a woman hits 5cm. She said I now need to stay close to home because it really could be anytime but she thinks maybe I’ll be one or two weeks early.

All of this excitement is the opposite of what I thought would actually be going on at 36 weeks. As much as I have been against internal exams until labor actually starts, in this situation I think it is good that we have this information so we can make sure we are ready and have a plan.

Our best attempt at a silhouette photo. Silhouette's are my favorite!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Pre-Delivery Thoughts

I wrote this a month ago and wasn’t planning on posting it until week 39 but now that my situation has changed I better share it now.

Now that delivering this baby is looming in the air I have been thinking a lot about how my delivery could actually go. I have been telling myself for months that he will come when he is ready and I will have the labor that was meant for me. All along my wish has been to have the most natural and safest delivery that I can for him.

I have read a ton of birth stories online. In some the labor was very short and one lasted 55 hours. For the one that was 55 hours she had every intention of having a drug-free delivery but after the 40 hour mark she was exhausted, making slow progress and had to take the epidural to rest. I can’t say I blame her.

I have learned that labor is different for every woman and we cannot compare each other’s experiences. My doctors are aware of my delivery wishes and they have told me to not feel defeated if my plans change. They say the average first time labor is 12-15 hours and to that I say “I am fully prepared for 12 hours of labor, I am praying it doesn’t go on for 24 hours.” Since my dilation has already started it does make me wonder if things will go faster but there really is no way to tell.

Although I gave Matt the choice on becoming a Bradley Coach or hiring a Doula, I am really glad he chose Bradley. All of the preparation we have had to do has really been a bonding experience. No one could fill his role at this point! We are in crunch time of preparing as much as we can and I am pop quizzing him on every situation that may come up and how to handle it.

We are ready when baby is!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

35 weeks

My mother, grandmother and grandfather came to visit this week so they could see the baby’s room. I washed all of the initial baby clothes, blankets and sheets and we had fun folding and organizing everything in his room.

We also got our car seat inspected and installed by the fire department. I plan on taking it out until we get a little closer but at least I know what to do now.

At the doctor this week I had to get the Strep B test. She also checked me again and we were both surprised to find that I have dilated to 3cm! She said this still could still mean nothing and I could make it to 40 weeks but with my body continuing to progress she doubts it will happen. 37 weeks is still the goal for a full-term baby. Considering it took me 3 weeks to dilate 2 more centimeters I’m not really concerned but I need to make sure we are ready at home.

Here is a side by side comparison of the changes over the past 30 weeks. That was me at only 5 weeks and now me at 35 weeks.


Thursday, October 31, 2013

34 weeks

October 25th.

We finished up our last Bradley class this week and Matt is officially a trained coach. We still have a lot of practicing we want to do at home but I think we have a good foundation already.

I attended my last baby shower this week in Fowler. We received a lot of great gifts and if he decided to come tomorrow we could get by.

I now go to the doctor weekly and this week I met the 3rd and final doctor in the practice. The baby still sounds good and is still in a good position. This doctor has the most experience and he agreed that with the baby already being very low that it “should” make for an easier delivery.

I’ve been pretty tired this week and I don’t know if it pregnancy exhaustion that has kicked in or I’m just recovering from a very busy weekend. I’m also starting to feel a tad more uncomfortable from the growing belly and wondering what a few more weeks will feel like.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

33 weeks

October 18th.

This week we had a maternity photo session. I knew from the beginning I wanted to have one of these I just kept waiting for my belly to get big enough. The leaves have changed here and I haven’t had any swelling start yet so I scheduled it for this week. It ended up being a very cold day with rain and sleet but hopefully the pictures still turn out great.

Also this week my coworkers threw me a shower. It was a wonderful shower and they really out did themselves.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

32 weeks

October 11th.
I had another Dr. Appt this week. During her exam of the outside of my belly I asked her if the baby felt low. I have felt his head down really low for probably two months now but figured he was more comfortable down there. She said he did feel very low already. Typically at this point the baby’s head is around your hip bones but he was a few inches below mine. She said I probably just had a very welcoming pelvis but wanted to do an internal exam to make sure. After the exam she said he was low and I was dilated 1 cm which caught her attention. She said it is rare to be dilated this early on and she wanted to do one more test to make sure I wasn’t headed down the road of pre-term labor. Two days later I went in for a fetal protein test that just consisted of a swab. She said I was still at 1 cm and maybe my cervix was just priming up early. The test came back negative which was good news and she gave me no restrictions. She said she would be very surprised if I was overdue so we'll see.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

31 weeks

October 4th.
I officially have an alien in my belly and he is trying to get out! This little guy’s activity has increased tremendously this week. He is also much stronger. I know he has probably been this active all along but since he is getting bigger I can feel every single move. Some of the kicks are becoming uncomfortable but they say an active baby is a healthy baby so I am thankful for them. I’m starting to gauge his length and size and it’s getting me worried for how week 40 will feel.

As for me I’m feeling great! No major changes have happened recently and I am having a pretty easy time carrying this little boy.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

30 weeks

September 27th.
I had my first baby shower this week back home. It was a wonderful time and our little guy got a lot of great gifts. It is so weird to all of a sudden have a room full of baby stuff in our house.

I had a Dr. Appt this week and got to meet the other Dr. in the practice. After discussing my birth wishes with him I felt really comfortable. He said 70 % of the time they deliver their own patients so hopefully that is the case with me. However he seems as calm and relaxed as my Dr. so I will be fine with him. He said they try to pair Bradley patients up with a nurse who has attended several natural births so I am less likely to bump heads with her. He also said the only time he disagrees with his Bradley patients is when the bag of waters has broken and 5-6 hours pass with no contractions. Bradley patients like to wait as long as possible and avoid pitocin but Doctors get nervous if too long has passed due to the risk of infection. I knew this would be the common practice which is why I am praying my contractions start before my water breaks or I am staying home and getting into my Bradley bag of tricks.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

29 weeks

At my last Dr. appt she said he was head down. I have felt larger and rounder movements down low that I knew he was head down. Whenever I rub my upper belly and feel a lump I know it’s his foot so I press on it and he kicks me back. I can’t wait to touch his actual little baby feet!

This week I sorted through an abundance of clothes that we received from friends. This little boy is set on clothes for a while and I am so thankful. I also got two naps in. I have been sleeping really well and haven’t needed any naps yet but I will take them while I can.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

28 weeks

September 13th.

7 months! I don’t feel 7 months at all. I’m feeling great. Sure I have some minor negative symptoms that come with pregnancy but I refuse to dwell on them. I’ve never felt more at peace with something going on in my life and I want to keep it that way. One funny side effect is that I find myself asking people to repeat themselves a lot. I hear what they are saying I’m just not listening to them the first time around. This is not like me at all but I find it hard to control. Is this part of “pregnancy/mom” brain?

We made some major progress on the nursery this week. In one afternoon we installed crown molding, assembled the crib and set up the dresser. We still have a little more to do before I share pictures.
Nesting is in full swing. Not only do I feel the need to get the nursery in order but I feel like my entire house needs organized. I’m having fun with it though and really enjoying this energy.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

27 weeks

September 6th.
I had another Dr. Appt this week. This time was the glucose test. The drink really wasn’t that bad. The hardest part for me was drinking it in 5 minutes early in the morning. I was super full afterwards and then the sugar high kicked in. I understand why they do it; it just seems like a very unhealthy drink for a pregnant woman. I passed the test though.
I had a routine check up after that. His heart rate was 140 and after measuring and feeling my stomach she said he is growing just fine. We talked briefly about my birth plan and she said we will go over it thoroughly when it's closer. She told me she has had Bradley patients before so she knows the prep work I have gone through. I am feeling really confident about having her as my doctor. I am entering the third trimester and it is time to go to the doctor every 2 weeks!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

26 weeks

August 30th.

This week was spent on our "babymoon" to Hilton Head Island. There isn't much to comment on for the week except that we did a lot of relaxing. I was so relaxed that baby slept through most of the vacation. Lot's of pictures for this week though. I like to wear dresses while on beach vacations!

In the next few weeks it's time to really start preparing for this baby to join us!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

25 weeks

August 23rd.
In our second Bradley class we talked about nutrition. I have to keep a food log so she can make sure we are receiving enough protein. Protein is something I stepped up recently so I am doing just fine. It’s perfect timing for me to stare at my food choices on paper every day.

We did another relaxation exercise. This time she got us into a deep relaxed state that I almost felt hypnotized. Then our husbands had to simulate a contraction through digging deep into several different muscles. I kept asking Matt if he was trying his hardest because I really didn’t feel any pain, just pressure. The key is for us to learn how to do this on our own. I have no problem getting myself relaxed but I have to work on staying that way for hours.

We are getting ready for our “babymoon” vacation to Hilton Head. I am so ready to relax in the ocean before we come back to crunch time of getting ready for baby. I plan to read no baby books while on the beach, just a couple fiction books on my list.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

24 weeks

August 16th.
6 months pregnant! Hard to believe.

We went to our first Bradley class this week. I was really surprised that there are nine couples in this class. I thought this was a less traditional method and the class would be really small. I look forward to learning as much as I can. We have a lot to read and do at home each week that I almost feel like we signed up for a college course. Half the time the teacher is talking directly to the husbands. She is training them to be our coaches as much as she is training us to have this baby. It’s pretty awesome and I’m getting more excited about going through this together!

Still feeling great and doing my Bradley exercises every day! We got the hook up recently with a ton of fresh produce and I decided this is the best time of year to be in the 2nd trimester! I’ve had to make some adjustments in the sleep department and although my sleep is more broken I’m still getting roughly 8 hours.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

23 weeks

August 9th.
I ordered the dresser for the nursery this week. It was a pretty penny, but with coupons and gift cards I got the best deal I could. We are getting the carpets cleaned in the house next week and then we can start putting the room together.

Months ago I bought a phone app that allows you to hear your baby’s heart beat. I didn’t realize that it really doesn’t work until the third trimester although some women can hear it earlier. I was finally able to find his heart beat this week. I also was able to make several recordings of it and listen whenever I want!

Overall I really am feeling like myself and have for a while. I am sleeping great and pray that I can continue with that. I have no complaints right now.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

22 Weeks

August 2nd.
Big milestones this week. I was able to feel Baby S move from the outside and so was Matt! I had just went to bed and was rubbing my belly per my nightly routine and I felt him move twice. Matt was also able to feel him twice. Pretty amazing for this daddy-to-be to finally experience some of what I have been feeling.

Then three days later we were both able to see my stomach move several times. It looked like an alien was trying to come out of my tummy. Each time Matt talked to him he responded with a kick. Maybe we have a daddy’s boy growing in there?

I had another Dr. Appt this week. Everything went great and she said he is a healthy active little boy. My next appt I have the dreaded glucose test. Blah.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

21 weeks

July 26th.
This week we completed a baby registry. I did not anticipate how long it would take or how mentally exhausted I would be. It’s hard to think about everything you may need for your baby in the span of a couple hours. We are both starting to feel a little short on time to get everything ready at home just because the rest of our summer is still pretty busy. I know we have a lot of time but just in case he decides to come early I want to be ready.

I’ve been feeling really good lately. My energy has been great and I am trying to focus more on exercise and diet now.

Funny story for the week. Some people at work still don’t know about me so the rumors are flying. Most people look at me funny and some have asked other co-workers if I have gained weight. One person straight out said, “I am going to tell you Congratulations because someone told me weeks ago but it is very obvious now.” Once I got the news out there in the beginning I felt akward bringing it up out of the blue so I stopped telling people and figured it would get around. I guess I need a t-shirt that says, “Yes I have gained weight because I’m pregnant!”

Thursday, July 25, 2013

20 weeks

July 19th.
The fog of the first trimester is behind me, time has sped up and all of a sudden I am half way through this pregnancy! Unbelievable. I know I still have a long way to go but I am thankful for each week that has passed. I read that my uterus has grown up to my belly button by now. That is pretty accurate because that is right where I am feeling his little kicks.

Half way and I have gained 13 lbs. My doctor says this is normal and I’m fine with it too. I read I will probably gain a pound a week now. Ouch! I’m not freaked out about gaining the weight but 20 more does seem like a lot.

If I ever needed an excuse to travel this has been my best yet! We booked our "babymoon" to Hilton Head, SC around Labor Day. Knowing a baby was in our plans this year; I decided a long time ago that I wanted to take a road trip to the Carolinas.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

19 weeks

July 12th.
We had our ultrasound right at 19 weeks. This was our first peek inside and we were both in awe the entire time. I couldn’t believe there was a baby in there. Everything looked great and the baby has developed perfectly. The tech said he was measuring at 19 weeks 5 days and 11 ounces, right on track. His heart rate was 144. The baby kept stretching and had its hands up by its face the entire time. It was really cute to see.

They say every woman falls in love with their baby at different times. Sometimes it happens right when they hear the heartbeat for the first time and sometimes it doesn’t happen until weeks after they are born . For me it was the day I saw his little face at the ultrasound.
I can officially say I have felt movement! I have felt flutters and little waves the past couple of weeks but I wasn’t sure if that was the baby. At the ultrasound the baby kept stretching and the tech said that is probably why I have been feeling waves. At 19 weeks and 3 days I was kicked! It’s the oddest and most amazing feeling. I stop everything I am doing and focus on how many more times I feel it.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Gender Reveal Party

I first heard about reveal parties soon after getting pregnant. I knew immediately that I wanted to have one. It sounded like a fun excuse to get both of our families together and reveal our exciting news. We decided to have a backyard barbeque. For the reveal I went with the idea of opening a box with either pink or blue balloons in it.

And the baby is.........

A sweet little boy! We are both very happy!

Everyone was really excited but I can’t say that many were shocked. A lot of people thought it was a boy because of how strongly I felt it was a boy.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


My best friend for over 21 years lives in Seattle but will soon be moving to India for 2 years. We went out there to visit them before their big move. Matt hadn't been to Seattle yet so we checked out all of the hot spots. The weather was perfect and we didn't see a drop of rain!
Me and Sara at Kerry Park
Posing with the Troll.
Pike's Place Market.

The bubble gum wall- a wall down an alley that is covered in chewed up bubble gum. It was pretty gross!

Discovery Park. We spent a lot of time outdoors and did a lot of walking. This pregnant chick didn't do too bad holding her own.

View from the Space Needle.

The Space Needle.

We both really liked the atmosphere in Seattle and had a great visit!