Eddie Vedder Concert. It's hard to see but if you look at the back up singers, the one on the right is Sean Penn. He directed the movie, "Into the Wild" which Eddie Vedder did the soundtrack for, which most of the songs from this concert were from that movie.

I tried to take some video at the concert but I felt like one of those jerks who distracts everyone else with their camera so at least here is some audio of the last song he played.
Cool trip! I bet Matthew was in heaven at the concert. How was Giordanno's pizza?
The pizza place was really good but I don't think it lived up to the high expectations that Matt set for it.
First picture reminds me of Where's Waldo...oh there he is in the red and white shirt ;)
Matt and I only live an hour from chicago so the next time you come let me know and we will meet you for dinner or something! Miss you both!
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