About Us

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The purpose of our blog is to share our journey through life with family and friends while we leave our mark on this world. Our 20's have been very kind to us and as we enter the 30's we are hoping to continue to enjoy our time in this thing we call life. I should have called this blog "Traveling through Life".

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall and Thanks

Yesterday we went to Brown County Indiana to enjoy the fall views. We walked around downtown Nashville for a while and I couldn't believe how crowded it was but the weather was wonderful. Then we went to Brown County State Park and did some hiking. The trees there have turned a lot more than up here but we still have a ways to go. (I posted some pics for you Kel so you can see what to look forward to).
On the way home we stopped in Edinburgh that has a huge outlet mall and did some shopping. I bought some baby stuff for my nephew on the way and Matt bought some much needed new running shoes.

The "thanks" part of this post has to do with the Biggest Loser Competition. Matt and I were just saying the other night that we couldn't believe how far we have come in 5 weeks and we owe a big thanks to Kel. If she never would have thought of the idea we would still be sitting on the couch thinking about it. This competition is just what I needed, even if I don't win it. Thanks Kel!

I also owe a big thanks to Matt's cousin Megan. I have been jogging while listening to the radio for a while now and all the commercials and talking distract me when I'm running. I remembered that I had a little MP3 Player that Megan helped me snatch up last year at a X-mas party. It has been the greatest thing for me! I stay so focused and have increased everything this past week. Thanks Megan for helping me scheme to get that!

I also need to give thanks to Brooke for all of her advice to get me through my week of exhaustion. It has been better and I learned to listen to my body more and change things up if need be.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Great pics! Can't wait to see you skinny minnies in a few days!