So in 2008 my life was blessed with more babies than I was use to being around. I went from no baby experience to doing any silly thing possible to make a baby laugh. I had three additions in my life and I wanted to share some photos of these precious little ones because I can't believe how fast they are changing. I love all three of them very much.
First born was my niece, Lucy Sky, born on April 18th. She is a wonderful baby and I hope I can be blessed with a baby just as pleasant as she is. She is my doll baby.
Lucy when she was born and the 2nd one is her at 8 months. It's amazing how they change.

Born next is my 2nd cousin, but he can call me Aunt Manna too if he wants. Kiyren Michael was born on June 30th at a whopping 10 lbs. He is very sweet and likes to snuggle and flirt. I can't believe how big he is.
The 1st pic is Kiyren at 4 weeks and the 2nd one is him at 5 months. He's probably 3 times the size of my little Lucy.

The third addition is still just a little guy and was born on December 16th, my nephew, Cameron Michael. He is precious and I could just hold him all day. He seems to like it when you sing to him and I noticed that he hums a lot. I can't wait to see more of his personality come out.

My brother is doing great as a young dad and I am proud of him, but lucky for him (or unlucky)he has these two women to keep his butt in line.
thanks for updating...great pics...i hope Matt has started to read the book santa sent him!
Cute pics! Lucy is a doll baby!
You are a very loving aunt!
Yay for babies!
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