After a lot of recent struggles with my Grand Am I finally bought a new car. I knew it would happen sometime this year but the issues with the Grand Am were costing more than the car was worth so it was time. And it got to the point where I would say a little prayer on my way to work each morning. I have been doing a lot of research on cars and decided that the Honda Accord was best for me and my daily commute. I found one that fits all my criteria and bought it on Valentine's Day. I love it and I know it will be a great car for me. It is a 2008 and is the fanciest car I have owned so I am still trying to adjust to it but once I get the windows tinted it will feel more like my own. And yes Mom and Wanda there are 4 doors because I was planning for the way way distant future :) We have been remodeling our bathroom and the car issues have postponed the completion date because of all the time it has taken from our weekends so I hope to post pictures next weekend.

I'm jealous! I want a new car...and I love Honda Accords!
This is a very nice looking family car:)
way to go Amanda!!! Keep helping the economy + I think you get a tax break right?
Uncle T
I am getting a new car too in the next 2 weeks because I am selling mine. How do you like yours? I think im going to go with a Ford Focus, Ive been doing some research and that seems to be the best for me.
I love my car. The focus is nice too. Matt had one as a rental and he really liked it. I went with Honda so I could rack up the miles on it since I drive so much.
Make sure to look for those good deals that are out there now.
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