Last weekend we went to Terre Haute to celebrate my brother's 18th B-day. We had a surprise party for him and he had no idea.( My family was actually able to keep a secret for a few weeks !!) We got to spend a lot of time with Cameron who is changing so fast. We babysat him Sunday morning for a while so he kept me and Uncle Matt very busy. He is very close to crawling but right now he just goes in circles on the floor. It's very funny to watch, he's not quite strong enough to get up on his knees. His new thing is jumping. His legs are very strong so he jumps pretty high off the ground while you are holding him.
So this picture you will only understand and think is funny if you are a fan of "The Office". This week there was a wedding on the show that everyone has been waiting to happen since the show started. Kelly came up with the idea to have our own Office wedding party and dress up in wedding clothes. So here I am sporting a Bridesmaid dress. (So Kel we are looking forward to seeing pictures from your wedding party too since we couldn't make it to yours.)
The Office wedding was great! What a fun idea too. I agree that losing weight is a life style change. Keep up the great work! I am so looking forward to seeing you for a little while when I come to visit once Liz goes into labor. We have a free ticket that I am going to use so that will help out. I mis you lots!!!
We haven't watched The Office yet..maybe tomorrow?
Cameron is getting so big. He looks like he has some good boy energy going with that jumping!
Can't wait to see you guys in 2 days. I'm not planning on dieting while I'm there...just a warning. Dallas pizza, Arnie's pizza, cookies, muffins, fall drinks....yummy.
im not plannin on dieting etiher. Im with Kel so bring on the drinks and pizza. See you on friday!
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