About Us

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The purpose of our blog is to share our journey through life with family and friends while we leave our mark on this world. Our 20's have been very kind to us and as we enter the 30's we are hoping to continue to enjoy our time in this thing we call life. I should have called this blog "Traveling through Life".

Monday, June 10, 2013

Adjusting to the News

Even though we had a positive test we knew we still had a long road to go so we kept quiet about it and hoped for the best. I had to remind myself every day that I was pregnant because it didn’t seem real.

I called my Dr. to make the first appointment. She wouldn’t see me until 10 weeks which I knew was typical but it still made me nervous. 10 weeks is a long time for a first timer who has no idea what to expect. I took another home test a week later to make sure it was still positive.

I decided a long time ago that I did not want to tell anyone the news until I felt comfortable. I knew Matt could keep the secret but I had been hiding everything from Sara, she didn’t even know we were trying. Sara was going to be in town when I was a little over 5 weeks. Even though it was still really early I knew this was my only chance to tell her in person so I told her and swore her to secrecy. I think she was in shock for a while but then got really excited for me. We spent most of the afternoon talking about pregnancy. It felt really good to finally talk about this.

1 comment:

Sara Nagel said...

I love you Amanda and you are going to be an AMAZING Mommy!