About Us

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The purpose of our blog is to share our journey through life with family and friends while we leave our mark on this world. Our 20's have been very kind to us and as we enter the 30's we are hoping to continue to enjoy our time in this thing we call life. I should have called this blog "Traveling through Life".

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More Baby Pics

I haven't been very good at taking pictures of Cameron but I hate disturbing him when he looks so cozy snuggled up in blankets. Hopefully I will get a lot more over Christmas. He is doing very well and is such a good baby. He is just so precious that I might try and bring him home with me :) Matt says that he is the new man in my life and I can't argue.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Cameron Michael Groza

My nephew has finally arrived. He was born at 4:52pm December 16th. He was 7lbs 5oz, eventhough he looks tinier to me. Mom and baby are doing fine. Debra had a really hard time and pushed for 1 hour and 10 minutes but she was a trooper. He is adorable and was wide awake for a while after being born. He looks so much like his mama and like my brother in his eyes. I will post more pics later!

Dylan and Debra after being up all night and waiting for the fun to begin.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Back from the dead.

Let me tell you that fastest way to lose weight is to get the little bug that I had swimming around in my stomach the last couple days. I just recovered from what I think was stomach flu. I've never had it before and it was the sickest I've ever been. Several people have been sick at work and I have been trying my hardest not to get it but it didn't work. My body wanted to get everything out as fast as possible that I dropped 6 lbs in one night.
It started the night of my birthday when Matt made me Lasagna and dessert. I had felt fine all day but as soon as I was done eating dessert my tummy started making the craziest noises. I won't go into details but I was sick all night and missed two days of work. It wasn't food poisoning...believe me I wish I would have recovered that quickly. Matt was a good doctor though, running to the store early in the morning to get me 7up. I'm still stuck to eating toast and chicken noodle soup but at least I'm able to eat something. (Wanda this parts for you) The first night when Matt was pouring me some 7up I heard him stirring it with a spoon so I asked him why he was stirring my 7up and he said that's how my mom use to do it to get some of the bubbles out. It was very cute. So now when he is sick I'm guessing he's going to request me to stir his 7up.
So I am back to work and though I am not fully energized because I am still down those 6 lbs, I am feeling a ton better. Just no one plan on me coming over for Lasagna and cheesecake anytime soon.

Friday, December 5, 2008

I've been tagged - 10 things that make me happy

10 things that make me happy (in random order)
1. Quite time with the Lord
2. Vacations/Traveling
3. Spending time with my awesome hubby
4. Time with my family
5. Time with my friends
6. Reading a good book
7. Shopping
8. Saving money
9. A clean house
10. Holidays

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Biggest Loser Is.....

Matt! After 10 weeks of hard work our competition is over. Everyone did great and it was a lot of fun seeing how everyone did each week. Matt lost 32 lbs and I lost 17. We both exceeded the goals we set for ourselves for the duration of the competition. I never imagined that we would lose that much but I'm so glad we did it. I really learned what the human body was capable of doing when you put your mind to it. We are both hoping to continue with exercising since we are already in the routine and hopefully we won't need to do another comeptition when the next season starts.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fall and Thanks

Yesterday we went to Brown County Indiana to enjoy the fall views. We walked around downtown Nashville for a while and I couldn't believe how crowded it was but the weather was wonderful. Then we went to Brown County State Park and did some hiking. The trees there have turned a lot more than up here but we still have a ways to go. (I posted some pics for you Kel so you can see what to look forward to).
On the way home we stopped in Edinburgh that has a huge outlet mall and did some shopping. I bought some baby stuff for my nephew on the way and Matt bought some much needed new running shoes.

The "thanks" part of this post has to do with the Biggest Loser Competition. Matt and I were just saying the other night that we couldn't believe how far we have come in 5 weeks and we owe a big thanks to Kel. If she never would have thought of the idea we would still be sitting on the couch thinking about it. This competition is just what I needed, even if I don't win it. Thanks Kel!

I also owe a big thanks to Matt's cousin Megan. I have been jogging while listening to the radio for a while now and all the commercials and talking distract me when I'm running. I remembered that I had a little MP3 Player that Megan helped me snatch up last year at a X-mas party. It has been the greatest thing for me! I stay so focused and have increased everything this past week. Thanks Megan for helping me scheme to get that!

I also need to give thanks to Brooke for all of her advice to get me through my week of exhaustion. It has been better and I learned to listen to my body more and change things up if need be.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Week 4 Exhaustion

They say when you are dieting/exercising that you are suppose to keep a journal so I've decided this will be it.
There isn't really too much to say about week 3 of the biggest loser, it was pretty steady and I was able to jog at least 30 minutes without stopping for every workout. Week 4 is another story. I thought this was suppose to be easier with time but a major case of exhaustion has kicked in. Sunday started out ok. We hiked a 6 mile trail in Terre Haute and I even ran a little of it. But every workout this week I have had to force myself to jog the 30 minutes that I did all last week. I think my body is telling me that I need a day off since I workout 6 days a week but I'm mentally not ready for that. I can't figure out what's going on. I've tried drinking more water and stretching more but I am still very tired. Friday will be my rest day and I am looking forward to it.
This past weekend was our first chance to test ourselves while visiting family in Terre Haute. For three weeks we have been in our routine at home and been able to still eat healthy on the weekends. We did pretty good this weekend and there wasn't an increase on the scale from it.
This next weekend is an even bigger test when we go to Fowler where there's a lot of good food and we usually stay there longer. Fowler in the fall at my mother-in-laws could be trouble, but luckily she's in the competition too.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Week 2 Frustrations

Week 2 of the Biggest Loser Contest has been everything that they said it would be for me.....frustrating. I thought I was doing well by keeping up with Matt the first week but now what they say about men and women losing weight is kicking in. I ate the same as I did the first week and I increased my workouts and I'm seeing nothing like I did. I am going to blame it on muscle gain because I've being doing a lot more besides cardio which I probably should have waited to do. I can feel the results I just can't see them on the scale anymore. We even did a long workout this weekend together and I saw no change from that. We hiked an 8.5 mile trail yesterday in Zionsville. I looked at the calories that we burned and it was a ridiculous amount yet no change on the scale. We went out to eat for the first time in two weeks to our favorite restaurant in town and both had salads. That was tough for us considering they just got a new menu but we wanted to test ourselves. Matt on the other hand is still doing awesome. I am very proud of him and I admire his willpower. The only downside is we just bought him some new clothes that we will probably have to replace at the end of this thing if not sooner. He hit 5 miles on the treadmill this week, I dont think I will ever pull that off. So anyway I personally am ready to get this week overwith and start week 3.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Biggest Loser & Strategy

For those of you who don't know, Matt and I are participating in a family biggest loser competition. It has been a lot of work but we have been really supportive of each other this first week and I think our hard work has shown. I lost 6.6 lbs and him 7.2 lbs in the first week. And yes we did it the healthy way. No starving, puking, or diet pills. When I was hungry I ate, but instead of chips or a candy bar I had fruit. I don't think it will be like this in the next 9 weeks but I could surprise myself.
We both put on a few pounds before the competition started on purpose to get our weight up and then I think we put our bodies into shock when we started working out so much. A lot of the weight lost is from sweating so much. We have been eating a lot better too. I cut out pop and a lot of extra calories and we are both watching our portions. I don't think I have drank so much water and ate so many fruits and veggies in my whole life. But we both feel great and I hope to stick with this. That's pretty much our strategy, getting our butts moving and eating a whole lot better. He's been running more distance wise and I got to the point where I can start jogging for part of my workout. It all seems to be working for us.

Monday, August 25, 2008


This past weekend we went to Chicago to see Eddie Vedder in concert and we decided to make a mini-vacation out of it. I didn't realize how big Chicago was and we walked almost everywhere. We went to Navy Pier, Buckingham Fountain( from Married with Children), Millenium Park, Sears Tower, and we took an architectural boat tour. We had a great time!

Eddie Vedder Concert. It's hard to see but if you look at the back up singers, the one on the right is Sean Penn. He directed the movie, "Into the Wild" which Eddie Vedder did the soundtrack for, which most of the songs from this concert were from that movie.

I tried to take some video at the concert but I felt like one of those jerks who distracts everyone else with their camera so at least here is some audio of the last song he played.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

New Stadium Tour

Today we went with friends to tour the new Lucas Oil Stadium for the Colts. I have been driving past the construction almost every day while at work and I kind of wanted to see the finished product, I also wanted to see where my tax money went. It was very busy and most of the time we felt like a herd of cattle but it was nice to get to see it all. We did get to go down to the field and walk around but we couldn't see the locker rooms like they said we could. I don't know if I would do it over again considering how much we had to go through. I do think the Colts deserve a new stadium, the RCA dome looks very outdated next to it, I just hate whenever they tear something down, it seems like a waste of materials.

Also here are some fun pics of Cody's new thing. He likes to sit up on his butt and give his Manna hugs. It's very sweet. He's becoming more and more snuggly the older he gets.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Busy Week followed by a busy weekend

Last week I was in training all week for some new equipment that our lab will be receiving. The equipment is used on the A&E tv show Crime 360. The tv show is actually in Indy right now and for the next 8 months filming our crime scenes for their show. It's all pretty exciting but I am hoping to dodge the tv cameras. The equipment is like a camera that scans the whole room and lets you view it on a computer. It's really more advanced than I can explain it, you would need to watch the show to see an example. I had to miss the end of the training due to sad news that my great grandmother passed away. She lived a wonderful life but her 88 years was starting to wear on her and she will be very missed.

While I was home for the funeral I got to spend a lot of time with my cousin and her new baby boy. It was so much fun to snuggle with him while she took a nap :) The whole family enjoyed having a baby around. They even started to put a little pressue on me.

Saturday we went to a Sondgeroth Reunion/B-day party at Racoon lake. It was a lot of fun and I wish I had pictures from the day. Matt was really excited to hang out with this side of his family that he doesn't get to see as much. We spent most of the day on the lake and only came back to eat. There were a lot of little funny happenings that ended up just being bonding experiences with his family. The food was wonderful, the people were wonderful, and I'm really glad that we went.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

First Post

So we finally caved and started a blog so we could stay in touch with family and they could see what we have been up to. I don't know how good I will be at keeping it current because I am also part of the Myspace and Facebook craze so I can keep in touch with my distant friends. Matt isn't into blogging so this may be just about me but I will try to keep him included :)

This summer we have been pretty active around Lebanon for once and trying to get involved in the town that we have lived in for three years. We went to the 2 week long 4th of July Festival here in town and enjoyed the activites and now the Boone County Fair is going on. We use to say that we were hanging out with the "locals" and now I think it hit us that we are the "locals".
With the summer heat kicking in we tried to do some indoor stuff today. We went to the Indianapolis Musuem of Art to see the Exhibit from Egypt. It had mummy tombs and art and a lot of really amazing things. Egypt is one of the places I would love to visit but I was hoping to get a little taste of it just in case I never make it there. Matt was a good sport eventhough he doesn't have as much of an appreciation for art but I do think he appreciated the history of all of it. Besides he got to go to Rock Bottom Brewery afterwards. We love that place. We also went to see the new batman movie tonight. It was excellent eventhough it was long.
Tomorrow will probably be a wonderful lazy Sunday since we were gone all day!