June 21st.
We signed up for our Bradley Classes that start in August! You gotta love a class that tells you to bring pillows with you each time. This is the only class I will take because they also cover newborn care, breast-feeding and exercising.
I haven't read as much as I probably should about pregnancy because reading about everything that could go wrong would only stress me out. With labor and delivery though I know I might have some control over how things progress and I want to know everything I can to stick to staying drug-free. I am currently reading Ina May's Guide to a Natural Childbirth and Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way.
It's been a pretty quiet week on the baby front. I think a growth spurt is in the works because I'm starting to feel my stomach sticking out more. Maybe I can say I am feeling little flutters inside but I could be mistaking it for something else.
Time is going fast.So excited :) G-ma
You are glowing!!!
Agreed! You look fantastic! Grandma S.
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