About Us

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The purpose of our blog is to share our journey through life with family and friends while we leave our mark on this world. Our 20's have been very kind to us and as we enter the 30's we are hoping to continue to enjoy our time in this thing we call life. I should have called this blog "Traveling through Life".

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Our biggest adventure yet!  A little being with a mixture of Matt and I’s genetic material will be joining this world around December 6th. Yes we are expecting a baby!

I plan to write on here about this pregnancy. Some weeks may be uneventful but so far there has been a lot for me to document. I will post daily until I get caught up with my current week. As you read through these you will see this is something we started planning a long time ago but kept it a secret. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

We have been waiting for this a long time.what a beautiful baby it will be..can`t wait love you G-ma

Sara Nagel said...

I am so excited to follow your amazing journey!!!