About Us

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The purpose of our blog is to share our journey through life with family and friends while we leave our mark on this world. Our 20's have been very kind to us and as we enter the 30's we are hoping to continue to enjoy our time in this thing we call life. I should have called this blog "Traveling through Life".

Thursday, August 15, 2013

23 weeks

August 9th.
I ordered the dresser for the nursery this week. It was a pretty penny, but with coupons and gift cards I got the best deal I could. We are getting the carpets cleaned in the house next week and then we can start putting the room together.

Months ago I bought a phone app that allows you to hear your baby’s heart beat. I didn’t realize that it really doesn’t work until the third trimester although some women can hear it earlier. I was finally able to find his heart beat this week. I also was able to make several recordings of it and listen whenever I want!

Overall I really am feeling like myself and have for a while. I am sleeping great and pray that I can continue with that. I have no complaints right now.

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